Charlotte - Two Months Old

Charlotte at two months old:
  • You are about 12lbs!
  • You have just grown out of your newborn and up to 7lbs size and are fitting into your 0-3 months size clothes.  You have a little round tummy and your thighs are starting to get rolls on them. 
  • You are full of smiles and are starting to coo at us when we talk to you.
  • You are still colicky around dinner time or late evening, but we are learning ways to get you through that period. 
  • You still like to be swaddled, love to sleep in the bassinet and liking your swing more and papasan chair.
  • You are such a rockstar when we go out in the stroller/car seat. 
  • You are starting to spend a little time on your playmat and doing some tummy time without getting upset.
  • You are a good breastfeeder and are eating about every three hours. Your internal clock is so precise it is scary.
  • Your brother is still just mildly interested in you and will check on you a couple times a day.
  • Your sister is still obsessed with you and is quite bossy with everyone about where or what you think that BABY should be doing.  She showed her first signs of jealousy when Daddy was holding her after being on a business trip for a couple of days. 
  • You are starting to like the Avent binkies better than your soothie.
  • You had a bout with baby acne and now your skin is dry but starting to smooth out. You have a bad case of cradle cap too!
  • You have a brightly colored doll that hangs from your car seat and your papasan chair that you ADORE. You start smiling, flirting and talking to her as soon as you see her. It is so sweet.
  • We can't imagine our family without you and love you so much!

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